12 November 1985
A coup attempt headed by Brigadier-General Thomas Quiwonkpa, a faction of the Liberian military failed to take power from Samuel Doe. It was a third coup attempt since Samuel Doe took power in 1980. The 1985 coup came a month after the fraudulent first elections ever held in Liberia returned Samuel Doe to power. The opposition refused to accept the election and were threatened by Doe to accept them. As a result, the military decided to take power by force and restore democratic rule.
Samuel Doe's rule of Liberia ended a century old rule by the Americo-African elites who were descendents of freed American slaves. They came to Liberia in 1847 and held power until S Doe's take over.
Click here to read more about Liberian military politics.
Sapa-Reuters. (1985). "Doe's back - for the moment,"Weekly Mail: Vol 1 (23). 15 - 21 November. P 11. Weekly Mail. (1985). "The Week That Was",Weekly Mail: Vol 1 (23). 15 - 21 November. P 10.