Published date
14 September 1980
The Council of Unions of South Africa (CUSA) was formed, with 9 affiliates. CUSA originated from the Urban Training Project and the Consultative Committee of Black Trade Unions. Initially it appeared to be more conservative than the other organisations which were emerging during the same period. Unions belonging to CUSA used plant-level committees as a stepping stone towards unionism. In August 1982, CUSA resolved to form National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), a union which is still in operation.
On 8 and 9 June 1985 unity talks between CUSA and the Azanian Confederate of Trade Unions (AZACTU), failed. Subsequently, on 5 October 1986 a merger between these two organisations gave birth to the National Council of Trade Unions (NACTU) in Broederstroom.
O’Malley, P. ‘1980’, from Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory and Dialog, [online], available at www.nelsonmandela.org.za(Accessed: 13 September 2013)|
Nedlac, ‘Organised Labour Constituency’, [online], available at www.nedlac.org.za (Accessed: 13 September 2013)|
NACTU, ‘History-National Council of Trade Unions’, [online], available at www.nactu.org.za(Accessed: 13 September 2013)|
Bendix S. (1989) ‘The South African Trade Unions and Employer’s Organisations the Tripartite Relationship’, (Juta and Co. Ltd) pg 203