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The Victoria Falls Bridge was constructed in 1905 at the height of British penetration of Northern and Southern Rhodesia. The brainchild of Cecil Rhodes, the bridge was designed by George Andrew Hobson. It crosses the Zambezi River and the Victoria Falls. The Zambezi River is a border separating Zimbabwe (then Southern Rhodesia) from Zambia (Northern Rhodesia) and the bridge links the two countries.
The bridge took 14 months to construct and was completed on 11 April 1905. It carries road, railway and foot way traffic. It was originally named the Zambezi Bridge and later renamed Victoria Falls Bridge. It is reputed to have been used extensively by armed cadres of liberation movements, particularly of the African National Congress’s (ANC) uMkhonto we Sizwe and Zimbabwe People’s Revolutionary Army’ (ZIPRA) during the war for the liberation of South Africa and Zimbabwe. The region has become one of the most visited tourist destinations in Southern Africa.
Roberts, P., The Victoria Falls Bridge, from To the Victoria Falls, [online] Available at www.tothevictoriafalls.com [Accessed: 16 March 2012]|Peel, B.,Victoria Falls Bridge, from Victoria Falls Guide, [online], Available at www.victoriafalls-guide.net [Accessed: 16 March 2012]