Published date
27 January 1961
The head of the South African Defence Force, Commandant General Hiemstra, announced the successful conclusion of Anglo-South African talks on aspects of the Simonstown naval agreement for the defence of sea routes around Southern Africa.
The story of the Simonstown Agreement dates back to 1955 when it was signed by South Africa and Great Britain. In terms of this agreement, the South African Navy expanded and the Simonstown base and Naval Dockyard were handed over to South Africa on 1 April 1957. The SA Navy was to also acquire three new Type 12 (modified Rothesay Class) anti submarine frigates, ten Ton Class minesweepers and five Ford Class seaward defence boats.
O’Malley P. ‘1967’, from Nelson Mandela Foundation, [online], available at [Accessed: 05 December 2011]|SA Navy, ‘History of the SA Navy’, [online] available at [Accessed: 05 December 2011]