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Despite visible resistance to incorporation into the Qwa Qwa homeland, the South African government proceeded with its plan of incorporation. The incorporation of Botshabelo doubled the population of Qwa Qwa and severely stretched its meager resources. According to the Free State sociology survey, the decision to incorporate Qwa Qwa was opposed by 74 percent of the residents who wished to remain South Africans. However, because the Qwa Qwa homeland had previously rejected 'independence', the residents of Botshabelo would not lose their South African citizenship status.
Click here to read an article Qwa Qwa administration: not a shred of popular support.
Bekker, J. (1987). "A pen stroke, and two giant settlements are 'incorporated'" Weekly Mail, Vol 3 (48). December 4 - 10.|www.saembassy.ru ( Picture source)