Published date
10 October 1992
The Pan Africanist Congress 's military wing, the Azanian People's Liberation Army (APLA) burnt down the farm house of Edmund Middleton of Fouriesburg on 10 October 1992. The attack was part of an APLA military exercise known as 'Operation Great Storm'. Its aim was to reclaim land from White people and return it to dispossessed Black people. In 1990, the PAC had adopted the slogan 'Year of the People's Offensive'. It was a campaign that used methods such as armed robbery to raise funds for the organisation. The attack came a year after major organisations agreed to the terms laid down in the National Peace Accord. Furthermore, this attack and other APLA attacks contributed to growing fears that the country was facing an escalation in violence. The PAC is one of South Africa's major political parties that endorsed the peace accord but declined to sign it because they were not convinced that negotiation would yield the desired results for many Black people.
nelsonmandela, ' Pan africanist congress (PAC)' ,[online],Available at www.nelsonmandela.org[Accessed: 01 October 2013]|
mayihlome, ' The Azanian ' , [online] ,Available at www.mayihlome.wordpress.com[Accessed: 01 October 2013]