Published date
7 April 1997
Sifiso Nkabinde was expelled on the 7 April 1997 for allegedly being a spy for the Apartheid regime and for fomenting violence between African National Congress (ANC) members and Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) members in KwaZulu Natal. After his expulsion from the ANC, Nkabinde joined the United Democratic Movement (UDM). Nkabinde had previously refused to heed calls by the ANC to disband self-defence units. He was also accused of starting a low-level war that left 120 people in the Richmond area dead. In January 1999, Nkabinde was assassinated. Two men, Simphiwe Shabane, and Anil Jelal were implicated in this act and are serving or have served jail time.
Kalley, J.A.; Schoeman, E. & Andor, L.E. (eds)(1999). Southern African Political History: a chronology of key political events from independence to mid-1997, Westport: Greenwood.) (2008)|Tolsi, N., A look at the killing fields, from Mail & Guardian, [online], Available at mg.co.za [Accessed: 29 March 2010]