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ANC celebrates 90th anniversary

6 January 2002
On 6 January 2002, the African National Congress (ANC) celebrated its 90th Anniversary at a rally in Kings Park Stadium, Durban. ANC President Thabo Mbeki addressed the masses that came out in numbers to share the moment which came eight years post the first South African non-racial polls of 1994. ANC's National Executive Committee said in a statement; “Ahead of us lies a decade during which we must continue to act together to advance towards the land of promise for Africa and Africans foreseen by our forebears when they established the ANC on January 8th, 1912’. (
References, (2002), ‘90th Anniversary of ANC’, from GupShup Forums, 07 January,> [online], Available at [Accessed: 13 September 2011]|ANC Today, (2002), ‘The ANC celebrates 90 years of struggle’, from ANC Today, 10 January, [online], Available at [Accessed: 13 September 2011]