31 July 1969
On 31 July 1969 Albertina Sisulu, the wife of Walter Sisulu who was serving a life sentence Robben Island had her banning order renewed for another five years after the expiry of a previous one. Reasons for the renewal of the banning order were based on a mixture of fact and lies by the police. For instance, she was accused of continuing to be a member of Federation of South African Women (FEDSAW) which was indeed the case, while the spurious allegation was that Albertina had been given instruction by Nelson Mandela in March 1968 to organize a protest when his name was due to be struck off the roll of attorneys. As part of her banning orders, she was also placed under house arrest.  

Sisulu, E., (2002), Walter and Albertina Sisulu, (David Phillip Publishers), p.315