29 December 1953
Alan Charles Rusbridger is an English journalist and editor of The Guardian newspaper. He was born in Northern Rodesia (Now Zambia) to English parents. The family moved back to Britain when Rusbridger was five years old. He later studied literature and in 1979 joined the The Guardian as a reporter. Since 1995 Rusbridger has been editor of the The Guardian and has taken the newspaper to new heights over the years. He is also a member of the GNM and GMG Boards and a member of the Scott Trust, which owns the Guardian and the Observer. In 2009 he received an Honorary Doctorate of Letters from the University of Lincoln and the following year from the University of Kingston.

Rusbridger, A., (2013), About Alan Rusbridger, from Alan Rusbridger.com, [online], Available at alanrusbridger.com [Accessed: 8 November 2013]|Debretts, People, from Debretts, [online], Available at www.debretts.com [Accessed: 8 November 2013]