Published date
8 October 1903
Christoffel Hermanus Kahn (Mikro), Afrikaans author, was born at Van Reenensplaas in Williston district, Cape Colony. KÁƒÂƒÂ¼hn attended school at Robertson and Carnarvon. He continued with his studies at the University of Stellenbosch and completed his BSc degree in Agriculture. KÁƒÂƒÂ¼hn taught for a while at Kuilsrivier and Ritchie. From 1930 to 1931 he wrote poems for the magazine Huisgenoot and published biographies, novels and adventure stories. Between 1944 and 1949 he developed into a fulltime write, but later joined the Teachers' College in Oudtshoorn where he lectured for five years. After teaching he worked for Boerdery in Suid-Afrika (a farmers' magazine) as chief editor from1956 till 1960 and thereafter became chief leader for the Farmers Movement (Landdiensbeweging) for the Agricultural Ministry from which he resigned in 1964. He was awarded the Hertzog Prize for Prose 1936 for Toiings and Pelgrims; W A Hofmeyr Prize 1956 for Die porseleinkat; Scheepers Prize for youth literature 1957 for Die jongste ruiter and National Publishers Award 196.
Mikro,[online] Available at www.karoohoogland.co.za [Accessed: 07 October 2013]|
Alphabetical list of Authors,Mikro,[online], Available at www.stellenboschwriters.com [Accessed: 07 October 2013]|
Wallis, F. 2000 Nuusdagboek: feite en fratse oor 1000 jaar, Kaapstad: Human & Rousseau.