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African leaders issue a call for African unity

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3 October 1948
Twelve African leaders, mainly from the African National Congress (ANC), issued a Call for African Unity. These leaders included I. B. Tabata, Professor Davidson Don Tengo (D. D. T.) Jabavu, Dr. Alfred Bitini (A. B.) Xuma, Z. R. Mahabane, R. V. Selope Thema, Dr. James Sebe (J. S.) Moroka, Z. K. Matthews, Allison Wessels George (A.W.G.) Champion, Paul Mosaka, R. H. Godlo, R. G. Baloyi, R. T. Bokwe, and L.K. Ntlabati. They were protesting against apartheid and its dangers to African education, freedom of movement, land and residential rights, and employment opportunities. The proposed solution to their challenges was the unification of the main African political organisations into the All African National Congress, united and inspired by common principles and a common programme of action for the achievement of the liberation of the African people.

South African History Online. All Africa Convention, a timeline [online], avalable at: [accessed 27 September 2013]|

Pambazuka News,(2011),'Libya: A wake-up call for African unity', 07 September,From Pambazuka News,[Online], available at: [Accessed: 30 September 2013]
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