This page is dedicated to your feedback about our website. We have received numerous responses
from the public, good and bad. A selection are reprinted below:

----- Original Message -----
From: rsesinyi
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 11:21 AM


I am very happy to see that at least there is a website were our children can started reading about the history of the black heroes of our struggle - well done

I would like to express my concern in light of some of the most questions that our children always ask about e.g.  The Rivonia trail who were involved and how did they end up in Robben Island?  Who is the longest serving political prisoner - Is it Sobukwe or Mandela?. -  The other thing is the Sharpeville Day you mentioned that it was started by students, but to my knowledge and of course of my family who stays in Sharperville they are not aware of the student movement you talk of they will tell you that it was started by PAC - so please just try and explain this issue deeply because our children would like to know the real history of this country.

I am so happy to know that pan Africanism is just like black consciousness the ideology is the same.

Continue with the great work you are doing

Kgotso Rose Kefilwe Sesinyi

Sent: 28 June 2008 09:27 AM
Subject: Public Feedback

Thank you so much for this website.We do need our History to be documented.Our youth needs to be focused and redirected towards this angle.

From: kaba
Sent: Tue 2008/05/27 04:15 PM
Subject: Comments on the website

I am a ghanaian but i like south african history. long live africa, long live south africa.

From: Therese Benade
Sent: Mon 2008/04/28 09:57 PM
Subject: Comments on the website

There's a little problem with the entry on Shaykh Yusuf of Macassar. Sultan Ajung was from Bantam in Java, not Goa. Ive been to the site. It's near Jakarta.

i love your website


From: Mduduzi
Sent: Tue 2008/03/04 01:36 PM
Subject: Comments on the website

This web is absolutely great. keep it up. it always helps me with my research in my degree at Wits.

From: Monica Joyi
Sent: Thu 2008/02/21 08:15 PM
Subject: Comments on the website

So happy you have this site - a great find and warm congratulations on the development of this piece of South African treasure.

From: Denise Mac Donald []
Sent: 22 September 2007 02:25 PM
Subject: Comments on the website

To whom it may concern

Thank you for the fantastic website.  I am in the process of researching the history of our community.  I am very grateful for this easy, insightful and user friendly website. 

Can't wait to apply this new tool to access our rich historical heritage.

Keep up the good work.

Denise Mac Donald

From: Shabir Joosub []
Sent: 29 April 2007 03:59 PM
Subject: Wrong info

Dear Sir/Madam,

Firstly let me say that I was very impressed to see great pioneers in South Africa being recognised in such a way on your website. Very well done!

I was also proud to see my great-grandfather, Mohamed Hajee Joosub, was one of those who is featured on the site.

However, after reading the article about him, I showed it to my dad, who immediately picked up a few irregularities with some of the information. Is it at all possible that this could be corrected? We can then call up some senior members in our family and get the proper information, after which we can hand it over to you.

Your help would be much appreciated.

Thanking you,

Shabir Solly Joosub

From: Simphiwe Zondi []
Sent: 22 May 2007 12:02 PM
Subject: History Classroom

Hi infosa,

Thanks so much to have this information on line.  I am interested in research I was puzzled how I can help my community in doing their own research about our community. My aim was to have a competition for the nearest school around area Machibise part of Edendale area in Pietermariztburg.  

I will download all relevant information for grade 11 and 12 since they don't have an access to the internet our school s don't have computers.

I am also a member of the school governing body. I prepared to help were I can.

Thanks so much, I whish that all subjects have a website. Maybe it there and I am not aware about it.  

Simphiwe Zondi

From: "Charl van Tonder" <>
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2007 8:01 PM
Subject: Feedback on SAHO website

I'm an engineer and historian who use your site a lot. I just want to say your new site looks wonderful! Thank you for updating it regularly as well.

Kind Regards,
Charl Cilliers van Tonder

From: fish eye []
Sent: 09 April 2007 04:38 PM
Subject: Feedback on your website

Wow! I am absolutly and totally impressed by your history website. I wish there was a website so complete for the Canadian history!

I'm a college student from Quebec and I came upon your "history classroom" while researching for information on the political backgrounds of South Africa. I thought I'd take a minute to say thank you for your help.

A sincere thank you,

From: Chevon Erasmus
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2007 3:07 PM
Subject: Revamped SA History sight!

Hi there,

I have been using the SA history quite a lot in the research I have been doing for an oral history radio project.

Well done a wonderfully revamped website!!


Chevon Erasmus
SABC Radio Content Producer

----- Original Message -----
From: chris []
Sent: 06 November 2006 01:24 PM
Subject: History Classroom contribution

To all the hard working staff at South African History Online,

I would like to say thank you from Australia. As a High School teacher it is some times difficult to get relevant and interesting information to keep the kids informed about their world, however, your site has been extremely helpful for me to help my year 10 students (15-16 years old) appreciate the South African experience of Apartheid.

Thank you.

Chris Bailey

Humanities Department

Tom Price Senior High School

Western Australia

From: Yousuf Eshak []
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 4:12 PM
Subject: Feedback on SAHO website

To the best of my knowledge, "The Greys" was a separate building, near the Carlton Centre.
Marshall Square was in Marshall Street, and not in present-day Gandhi Square.
Great website, very informative.



Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 4:05 PM
Subject: Copyright Request - Use of website material


We were very impressed with your website especially regarding the Walter Sisulu information.

Kind regards

From: Hamish Robertson []
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2005 2:30 PM
To: ''
Subject: Comments on site

I really like your site and think you are doing an excellent job in presenting SA's history. I do have a few suggestions for improving it further:

1. Biographies. Have you tried to get permission from ?Tafelberg to put all the biographies contained in the multivolume SA Biographical Dictionary? These are for the most part well done and cover a lot of ground.

2. More images. More images would add to the value and attractiveness of the site. I like the postcard survey - nicely put together but for each town, it would work better it there were thumbnails from which you could select.

3. Chronologies. These are great but sometimes, especially for more recent events, the detail masks the overall patterns. I would suggest different grades of chronology e.g. by millenium, by century, by decade, by year and by day. One can really go to town with this and also link in with primary sources. e.g. the by-day entries could link to primary sources e.g. entries in personal diaries.

4. Personal chronologies. I like what you have done here, e.g. the one for Walter Sisulu. It would be good to be able to link personal chronologies to general chronologies. e.g. Compare what Walter Sisulu was doing in 1963 with general events for SA in that year.

Best wishes
Hamish Robertson

From: Cassim
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 3:09 PM
To: 'Lars Liedberg'
Subject: RE: Corrections

I should have added, commendable work, well executed.

Well done!

From: Cassim
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 2:03 PM
To: 'Lars Liedberg'
Subject: RE: Corrections

It's really a minor thing really but inaccurate nevertheless.

Suleiman 'Babla' Saloojee was killed at the old security police headquarters - called the Greys Building - and not at John Vorster Square. The Greys as I have heard it been referred to by most of the people from that era was in Marshall Square, the latter day Gandhi Square. At the time of Babla's death I don't think John Vorster Square existed.


From: Anna-Marie
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2004 10:04 AM
To: Lars Liedberg
Subject: RE: Search Method

Dear Lars - I will be testing your new search method very shortly and advise. Your site is terrific - we use it all of the time. Please keep up the outstanding work.


Thank you for requesting feedback. Your newsletter looks excellent and the issues you cover are of great interest.


Bloody good! THANKS

Prof JD

It's a wonderful initiative, one I'm sure will enjoy wide-spread support. Let me know how I can be involved, i am very keen.


What a fabulous project! Will definitely assist.


Good afternoon,

As a school librarian, I would just like to thank you for the information you have sent the school regarding the website and Woman's Day Project. It is always satisfying to send information on to relevant departments.


From: Peter
Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2004 4:28 PM
To: South African History Online
Subject: Re: SOUTH AFRICAN HISTORY ONLINE Newsletter 24 September - 1 October 2004

Dear SA History Online, thanks for an excellent newsletter. Just a small spelling mistake: the author of Robert McBride - A Coloured Life is Gomolemo Mokae, not Mokgae.


Keep up the good work and your website is looking fabulous! We hope that you get many supporters! Also to let you know, we have included a section about SAHO on our 'Sustainable Development in South Africa' page,

From: Lynn
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 8:16 AM
Subject: History Classroom contribution


Thank you very much for great content.  It is a wonderful help.

I would just like to point out the foloowing errors, so that the site can become even better:

Grade 6 : 
First Heart Transplant :
First question appears twice in the activity

Hamilton Naki :
40 years have not passed since the first heart transplant - maybe you could change it to nearly 40 years.  Learners like to do little sums and will point that out.

Chris Barnard :
In one sentence you state that the transplant took place in 1976 instead of 1967 - please correct.


From: Carolynn
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 10:06 PM
Subject: History Classroom

What an excellent resource!! Im sure it will grow..Where are you based and who is in charge of your web page and resource bank

Best wishes

From: James
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 9:26 AM
Subject: Newsletter feedback

I am very interested in history.  True history.  A quick glance at the information sent would seem that you want to promote a second rate version all in the name of political correctness.  I do not view criminals and murderers as Great South Africans!

From: D-D
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 3:06 PM
Subject: Troubled

To whom ever this may concern.

Im a troubled follower.
I recently attended a book launch at the pretoria state prison where Robert Mcbride was launching his book " A coulered life". I thoroughly enjoyed the book launch as I take great enthusiams and interest in South African history, so much so that I approached one of your staff JEZEEDA, she was very polite helpful and informative about your site,and her line of work. She even convinced me to by the book which I later discovered was rather interesting. But my problem how ever comes from the fact that your site is so misleading, I find it hard to access information. For example Im currently doing research on the Battle of blood river and I have to say that I find it rather difficult to find that information. I hope that you can take this into account and attend to the matter with haste and seriousness. I firmly believe that SAHO is an excellent project, but you website is of shocking quality.

Thank you.

From: yakar
Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2004 12:07 AM
Subject: Biography Contribution

Thanks for your e-mail. I've looked at your site and compliment you on it. I look forward to further browsing through it in the future.

You have my permission to make use of the Robert Sobukwe material which I deposited in the Wits Library.

A suggestion: you should look to include Laurence Owen Vine Gandar in your biographies. As editor of the Rand Daily Mail he transformed that newspaper and in the process changed the whole nature of South African journalism. You can obtain details about him in my book, "War of Words: Memoir of a South African Journalist", and if needed, I would be glad to amplify the story.

Best wishes


From: Gabriela
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 6:55 PM
To: SA History
Subject: RE: Greetings from Peru

Hi Rob:

And yet South Africa gets to amaze me once again. Your e-mail, answering mine so son, was just as exciting! Thanks for taking the time to write.

I'll suscribe to your newsletter as soon as possible. Thanks for the suggestion.

I really hope I can visit your country some day.

All the best for you and the people working in SA History web page,


From: Teboho
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 3:48 PM
Subject: Biography Contribution

I really love your site but its a pity you don't have more information on National Website

From: Gabriela
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2004 10:07 PM
Subject: Greetings from Peru

To whom it may concern:

My name is Gabriela Garcia Calderon, and I'm writing you from Lima, Peru.

I'm reading a book about South Africa's History, James Michener's The covenant, and read about the Lords XVII, free burghers, the Cape and many other things. I'm a History real lover, and was astonished to find this web page, and more astonished to see that what I read in the book really
existed, as Jan van Riebeek. Is not that I didn't believe Mr Michener's facts, it's just it's so exciting!

I just wanted to let you know that someone from a country very far away from yours shares your feelings as a nation, a free nation.

All the best for you,


From: Neil
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2004 6:09 PM
Subject: Lives of Courage - request for information

Hi, firstly I would like to congratulate you on this website, it's amazing. I'm a emailing you from the UK where my grandfather and his 3 kids (one of which is my father) where froced into exile because of the banning order on him which would have been hard for especially being a widower. I've managed to fine something on him in the banned list but I was rather hoping to find a news article or historical records of his involvement. I'm finding it exceptionally hard to find anthng using the interned and wandered if you could point me in the right direction. His name was Stephen Tobias and was from Port Elizabeth. I don't really have much else on him apart from be served a banning order in April 1967. He died around 8 years ago. Any help you can provide would be excellent.

Kind regards,


From: Nicole
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 2:36 AM
Subject: Website

Dear SAHO,
I just wanted to write to you to thank you for your wonderful website and tell you how excellent it is. i am a senior stundent in Australia, studying apartheid and your website has been an invaluable resource, not only on the events of the country but providing an overall feel for the study.

Thanks again


From: Anna-Marie
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 10:08 AM
Subject: searching tool

I think this website is fantastic BUT and a very big BUT. The search tool/method is dysfunctional. When I type in Sharpeville, I want an account of what happened. I get a list of people who had something to do with it. I have not been able to locate the core material on the anti-apartheid movement, 1948-1976 by typing in keywords such as Rivonia Trial, Sharpeville, Soweto uprising etc. I
know the material is there as I find it by default. I want all of our history students to use it but when we search for specifics, it fails us every time. PLEASE EXPLAIN>


I am not quite sure if you are the correct people to contact but I have a HUGE problem with the search tool on the history page.
You type in "Sharpeville 1960"" and you get all these sites in which this word is mentioned (sometimes not even the word) and they have VERY little to do with the event. I even got the number one site (most stars) which had nothing to do with Sharpeville! So, I know the material is there, I have happened to stumble across it while looking for something else. The entire website is magnificent BUT the search facility is a total disaster. Or am I stuped (and all of my colleagues who have also tried searching for specific things). If this email is not for you Please send it on to the correct person.

Anna-Marie (Keen Historian but frustrated searcher)

From: Enzo
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 2:11 PM
Subject: Congratulations!
Importance: High

Congratulations on a informative and awesome web site!
KEEP it up guys!



What a wonderful website you all have put together.  It is so fascinating to read about South African History, as I'm planning a trip to SA this May.  Well done!


From: Marilynn
Sent: Friday, March 05, 2004 11:31 AM
To: Thumida
Subject: RE: [InfoLink] Online support for history teachers and learners

What a great site! Some links are broken unfortunately in the classroom topics . I want to use the Museum one in the Archaeology  on early S.A History. Grade 6/7. But the icon does not link to the map and worksheet. Help! I am dying to use it in class.

From: Brian
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 7:36 PM
Subject: History Classroom contribution

Dear SA History

I would like to express my appreciation for your fine web site.  As a new Social Science teacher (having not taught SS before to grade 6 level) I really appreciate the information and lesson formats that you provide.  I find that so little is available from the book publishers at the moment that ties in with the revised curriculum.

Please convey my thanks to your staff for the fine work.




Christine (B) has been telling me for ages that she has a friend who works for the South African History online - I've just been looking at your site now, it's really cool. It must be quite something to keep running.

Well done.



From: Nume
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2004 9:49 AM
To: Karen
Subject: RE: Best of the Web Improvements for Johannesburg

Karen: The best web for me in the country is

I need not explain why. Visit the site - it speaks for itself.



From: Karen
Sent: 30 January 2004 08:45
To: Nume
Subject: FW: Best of the Web Improvements for Johannesburg

Hi folks

Do you have any Web sites of local interest that you feel should be added to the Best of the Web.

Please let me know so I can forward to NY.



From: Karen
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2004 12:00 PM
Subject: Wow outstanding web-site

I have just had the opportunity of doing some research using your web-site (I have to give a talk on 'The Quest for Social Justice for South African Women') and I just had to tell you that it is totally outstanding - I have found loads of useful stuff - thank you so so much!  You are doing such a great job.

From: Dusty
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 10:08 PM
Subject: SA history

I was disappointed by your site. It's not SA history, it's one facet of SA history - race.  Isn't there anything better to write about? Shaka Zulu, the Boer Wars (1 & 2), Sterkfontein, the 'Border Wars' .... heard of them? Your chronology of the struggle of women deals only with black women. Ever heard of the Suffragettes?  Emily Hobhouse? Olive Schreiner? Is Sarah Baartman not black enough for you?  Your lopsided site won't popularise SA history - it'll squash it.

From: Nick
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2003 4:18 PM
Subject: What a wonderful site.

Afternoon all

As an amateur historian this site is amazing and will be surfing happily in the months to come.

Congrats and keep up the good work.



From: M E
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2003 11:27 AM
Subject: Re-Website

Your website is excellent!

I happened to come across it when studying on SA history, mainly during the Apartheid state from around 1948-1994.

I wanted just, to briefly say thankyou. You timelines of events and organisations was very beneficial.

From: ES Reddy
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 10:21 PM
Subject: (no subject)

Dear Omar,

I downloaded the biographies of Indians in politics from your website, as I thought they would be useful for a short article I need to write.

I am very impressed with what you have been able to collect in the biographies page. I appreciate that the page is still in developments. Some bios are very sketchy and some deserve to be added. I will send some comments or corrections when I study them.

Meanwhile, one technical matter. When I press for Moosa, I get the bio of Morotsole. I suppose you can fix that easily.

Best wishes,
E.S. Reddy

From: Sohail
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 1:51 PM
Subject: History Classroom contribution

Congratulations on a fantastic site, Today is the first day that I have come accross your site and I must commend everyone involved to build and maintain this website. The only thing lacking from my perspective is advertisement of this website . Many people are eager to discover South African history but few know of your website ...  Once again, congratulations for a wonderful website ... 



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