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Oliver Tambo Speeches 1971-1979

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Statement by OR Tambo to the People of South Africa on the 10th Anniversary of Umkhonto we Sizwe. 16 December 1971

"Speech by Oliver Tambo on the Sixtieth Anniversary of the African National Congress". Lusaka, 8 January 1972
"Black Reaction to Apartheid: 1948-1973". Address by Oliver Tambo to the Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, Syracuse, United States of America, 1 March 1973
"Tribute by Oliver Tambo to the United Nations Special Committee Against Apartheid". Statement at the Meeting of the Special Committee on its Tenth Anniversary, New York, 2 April 1973
"Speech by Oliver Tambo at Meeting to Commemorate South Africa Freedom Day and to Condemn the 600-year Alliance Between Britain and Portugal". London, 20 June 1973
"Presidential Address by Oliver Tambo to the Extended Meeting of the National Executive Committee of the ANC". 1 April 1975
"Speech by Oliver Tambo at the Funeral of M.P. Naicker". London, 8 May 1977
"A Future Free of Exploitation". Address by Oliver Tambo to the First Congress of MPLA, Luanda, 12 December 1977
""The Spirit of Bandung": Address by Oliver Tambo to the International Conference in Support of the Liberation Movements of Southern Africa and in Support of the Frontline States". Lusaka, 10 April 1979
"Speech by Oliver Tambo on the Occasion of the Celebration of the Twenty-first Anniversary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa". Lusaka, 21 April 1979
"Speech by Oliver Tambo on Behalf of the National Liberation Movements at the Opening Session of the Sixth Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non-aligned Countries". Havana, 3 September 1979

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