- 1971
Statement by OR Tambo to the People of South Africa on the 10th Anniversary of Umkhonto we Sizwe. 16 December 1971
- 1972
- "Speech by Oliver Tambo on the Sixtieth Anniversary of the African National Congress". Lusaka, 8 January 1972
- 1973
- "Black Reaction to Apartheid: 1948-1973". Address by Oliver Tambo to the Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, Syracuse, United States of America, 1 March 1973
- "Tribute by Oliver Tambo to the United Nations Special Committee Against Apartheid". Statement at the Meeting of the Special Committee on its Tenth Anniversary, New York, 2 April 1973
- "Speech by Oliver Tambo at Meeting to Commemorate South Africa Freedom Day and to Condemn the 600-year Alliance Between Britain and Portugal". London, 20 June 1973
- 1975
- "Presidential Address by Oliver Tambo to the Extended Meeting of the National Executive Committee of the ANC". 1 April 1975
- 1977
- "Speech by Oliver Tambo at the Funeral of M.P. Naicker". London, 8 May 1977
- "A Future Free of Exploitation". Address by Oliver Tambo to the First Congress of MPLA, Luanda, 12 December 1977
- 1979
- ""The Spirit of Bandung": Address by Oliver Tambo to the International Conference in Support of the Liberation Movements of Southern Africa and in Support of the Frontline States". Lusaka, 10 April 1979
- "Speech by Oliver Tambo on the Occasion of the Celebration of the Twenty-first Anniversary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa". Lusaka, 21 April 1979
- "Speech by Oliver Tambo on Behalf of the National Liberation Movements at the Opening Session of the Sixth Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non-aligned Countries". Havana, 3 September 1979