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Letter from the United Democratic Front to all regions

Eddie Webster

Liberez Nelson Mandela et tous les prisonnieres politiques

Lionel Abrahams - critic, poet, author - Accepts the Pringle Award

Live Tunes: Ophir Amuse: Cold Steel: Wit Florist

Local Authorities: Local Government and Service Delivery. The Amatola Basin in Ciskei

Local economic rsponses to industrial migration in small towns.

London to Oxford sponsored bike ride for Nicaragua

Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life.

Love means action: take the step: join WOZA today

Low-cost removals: The continuing process: Paper presented at National Conference 1984

Black Sash
Official Document - Conference Paper

Lusaka Conference between MPC, Swapo and Administrator-General, 11-13 May 1984

Make the economy create jobs: stop privatisation

Makgato and Batlokwa Removals: Notes to be presented to Dr Piet Koornhof, Minister of Co-operation and Development, at an Interview

E M Sontonga
Audio and Video

Malnutrition: Fact or Fiction: Fact Paper presented at the Black Sash National Conference 1973

Black Sash
Official Document - Conference Paper

Mandela released! Free all political prisoners

Bohden Butenko (Poland)

Maps showing resettlement sites in the Ciskei
H S Buthelezi

March for freedom in Namibia and South Africa!

March for jobs, Peace and Freedom!: Saturday June 15 March against retrenchments and violence

Marxism and history: twenty years of South African Marxist studies

Maseru : the certainty of their defeat drives them to massacre. : The certainty of our victory grows out of mobilisation.

Mass meeting: COSAS calls on all parents, teachers and students
National Union of South African Students

Mass Resistance in the Eastern Cape: Paper Presented at National Conference 1986

Black Sash
Official Document - Conference Paper

Mass voter education now!: talk to your boss today!

May we present a more enlightening place for you to bury your head ...

Mayibuye Number 8 1983 Year of United action

Mayibuye : Negotiations and violence: where do we stand?

Mayibuye Number 5 1982 Year of unity in action

Mayibuye Number 5/6 1985 Year of the cadre Special Conference issue

Mayibuye Number 6 1982 Year of unity in action

Mayibuye Number 7 1982 Year of unity in action

Mayibuye Number 7 July 1979 Year of the Spear

Mayibuye Number 7/8 1986 Year of Umkhonto we Sizwe

Mayibuye Number 8 August 1979 Year of the Spear

Mayibuye Number 9 1982 Year of Unity in Action

Mayibuye Number 9 October 1979 Year of the spear

Mduduzi Hlope - An Analysis of Theme in His Plays

Wendy Leeb

Media Freedom in a Liberal-Democratic South Africa

Tim Dunne

Medical Education for Africans in South Africa
Frank Chikane

Meeting between the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the United States Ambassador, Mr Herman Nickel: Cape Town, 27 May 1985

Meeting between a South African delegation led by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Honourable R F Botha and a United States delegation led by Dr C Crocker, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs: Pretoria, 16 November 1984

Meeting between a South African delegation led by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Honourable R F Botha and a United States delegation led by Dr C Crocker, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs: Santa Maria, Sal Island, 1 November 1984


Meeting between a South African delegation led by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Honourable R F Botha and a United States delegation led by Dr C Crocker, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs: Santa Maria, Sal Island, 31 October 1984

Meeting between a South African delegation led by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Honourable R F Botha and a United States delegation led by Dr C Crocker, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs: Santa Maria, Sal Island, 31 October 1984, Af
Black People's Convention

Meeting between Cape Verde and South Africa: Praia, 23 February 1983

Black Sash

Meeting between Cosatu/UDF and ANC held in Harare on December 1 - 3, 1988

Meeting between Director-General N P van Heerden and Dr C Crocker, Assistant Secretary of State in Washinton on 30 March 1988
South African Student Organisation

Meeting between Lt-Col A M Rodrigues (Kito), Minister of the Interior of Angola, and South African Representatives: Lusaka, 7 July 1984

Meeting between Lt-Gen A Ndalu and Dr M Burger on Saturday, 29 April 1989, Cape Town

Meeting between Minister F W de Klerk and Lt Gen Antonio Dos Santos Franca Ndalu, Leader of the Angolan delegation to the Cape Town JC Talks accompanied by the Angolan Deputy Foreign Minister Mr Venancia Da Silva Moura: H F Verwoerd Building, 27 April 19

Meeting between Minister of Foreign Affairs and Ambassador H Nickel: Pretoria, 22 November 1985