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Health and safety is our right: Lets organise and fight

Health and the constitutional guidlines for a democratic South Africa

Health professionals and human rights in South Africa

Health Service Developments in Zimbabwe: Are there Lessons for South Africa?


Health Workers Association HWA and Health workers organisation HWO unite to form SAHWCO

Helen Joseph: 8 April 1905 - 25 December 1992

Higher diploma for planning in developing areas

History of Black Consciousness and the student movement

History of Black politics in South Africa: a personal perspective

Selby Msimang
Official Document - Conference Paper

History of Wages Commissions: formation, aims and structure

History workshop festival of culture and history

HIV attacks the body: ignorance attacks us all

Housing Crisis in Soweto with particular reference to the increase in rentals: Conference Paper presented at the Black Sash National Conference 1978

Black Sash
Official Document - Conference Paper

Housing Issues in Natal: Paper presented at National Conference 1980

Black Sash
Official Document - Conference Paper

Housing: Fact Paper presented at the Black Sash National Conference 1973

Black Sash
Official Document - Conference Paper

How much more bloodshed before he is free to be human in the land of his birth?

African National Congress
Official Document - Policy documents

How the Violence Affects the Youth in the Townships

Garfield Todd

How to vote in Transitional Metropolitan Council areas

How to vote in Transitional Metropolitan Council areas

How your vote counts in Transitional Local Council areas

Huhudi Civic Association: HUCA: anti-removal rally/vigil

Human Rights : Capital punishment film festival : Is hanging right or wrong

Human Rights in a Diverse and Divided Society


Human Rights in Namibia: 10 Years after Security Council Resolution 435: Paper Presented at the Black Sash National Conference 1988

Black Sash
Official Document - Conference Paper

Hunger striker: Henry Fazzie: Age 67 years: UDF

I comunisti umbri aderiscono alla marcia perugia-assisi

I encuentro continental de la medicina indigena, negra, popular y tradicional.

I want you to share your bread with the hungry, open your homes to the homeless poor, remove the yoke of injustice, let the oppressed go free

If the SADF does not uphold apartheid how come they only conscript whites? Stop the call up!

If your mother was tortured: your father murdered and children abducted: would you be silent

Ignorance is not bliss : no news is bad news

Implementing the Regional Services Concept: A Perspective

Marie Dyer

In 1986 there were 153,000 empty white school places: In 1986 there was a shortage of 193,000 places in black schools.

In a few moments I am going to be shot as a hostage ...

In South Africa more than 1400 children are presently being held in detention.

In the matter of the State versus Kader Hassim and 12 others
Unity Movement Affidavit

In the Years Between Sharpeville and Bisho Many Have Died

Marie Dyer

Ingabe umtholampilo wangakini unayo i-fluconazole?

Integration and Disintegration in Southern Africa

M. D. McGrath

Intelligence Report about SWAPO in Ovamboland

Interim report of the African National Congress Joint Committee on Reduction of Expenditure

International Seminar on the Role of Transnational Corporations in South Africa

International summit on the rights of children in South Africa

International year of shelter for the homeless

International year of shelter for the homeless.

Interview with Mrs J Dube, wife of the late Dr John Dube

R J D Robertson
Official Document - Newsletter

Interview with the Midland Chamber of Industries
R J D Robertson
Official Document - Newsletter

Introducing ourselves: continuity and discontinuity on the left

Colin Legum

Introduction to the National Security Management System: Paper Presented at National Conference 1987

Black Sash
Official Document - Conference Paper

Introductory essay: the African National Congress, 1964 - 1994

Dale T McKinley