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The Negotiations in the Middle East and South Africa
Women in the ANC and SWAPO: sexual abuse of young women in the ANC camps

10 years Soweto : Children and youth in the struggle against apartheid
Society for the Abolition of the Death Penalty in South Africa
Official Document - Policy documents

19 October: National Press day: will there be free speech in a new SA?

1946 : 70 000 miners strike : twelve killed : 1986 : Viva NUM

1946-1986: 40 years of struggle for a living wage and conditions

1948-1998: 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

1982: Year of international mobilisation for sanctions against South Africa

1983, Volume 7 Dawn pages 1 and 2 Article: Editorial comment - Victory is Calling

1986: working together: EDA and Afrapix calendar

United Democratic Front (UDF)

1987, the year of the Krimpvark, the cougar of the rooibok? presidential Address to the Black Sash National Conference held at Cape Town, 1987

1988: Ecumenical decade: Churches in solidarity with women

1989 : Namibian workers unite for a living wage!

1989 inter church carol service : Halleluiah the truth is born.

1er encuentro nacional de la juventud Nicaraguensa

3 000 000 unemployed (govt est): whose Republic?

30,000 students out on boycott this year - whose Republic?

3a conferencia da organizacao da mulher Mocambicana

40 years of struggle for a living wage and conditions

Boycot Outspan Aktie

6 March 1981 : Two years : Oscar Mpetha : Still on trial

9th August: International Day of Solidarity with the struggle of women of South Africa and Namibia

A brief outline of matters discussed by the National Executive Sub-committee for June 26 with the African Liberation Committee

A cabaret night: for the women of South Africa and Namibia

A call for solidarity with the students and people of South Africa fighting against racism

A call to conscience addressed to Catholics by their Bishops

A can of worms in Lusaka: the imprisonment of Hubert Sipho Mbeje

Peter Brown

A clockwork teacher: a product of the system: unfree: unthinking: unjust: unhappy

A concert for a free Namibia : Solidarity with SWAPO

A critical look at the role of the Muslim Judicial Council in the struggle for liberation in South Africa from 1960 to 1994

A decent respect for the opinions of mankind: Academic freedom and human freedom

A healthy workplace: means a healthy future for women, men and children

A Long time dying: Central African Federation

Christopher Gell

A mapping of the KwaZulu Natal political conflict with reference to Inkatha (1990-1993)

A message from the Administrator-General of Namibia and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to all SWAPO personnel
Official Document - Correspondences

A message to the people of South Africa: Authorised summary, 1968.

A place to live: A focus on the housing need in the Southern Peninsula

A preliminary survey into the housing and education of our fellow South Africans of the Coloured community report presented at National Conference 1973

A Question of class: the writings of Kenneth A. Jordaan

A Reply to Christopher Merrett on That Election

M. L. Lupton

A report on the National Executive Committee session held on the 15-24th July 1977

A Review of Render Unto Kaiser: A Transkei Dossier

A Roar on the Otherside of Silence - Two Chronicles of the Penultimate Xhosa War

A short history of the Non-European Unity Movement:-An insiders view

A statement of the African National Congress of South Africa delivered at a Conference of the Continuation Committee of the Lisbon International Conference in support of the peoples of southern Africa, London, 21-23 March 1978

A statement of the National Executive Committee to all units of the African National Congress

A statement on apartheid and a confession of faith

A study of resettlements in the Eastern Cape: the case of Mdatsane

A study of the theoretical aspects of ANC mobilisational methods in the Eastern Cape Townships of Cradock and Port Alfred, 1980-1988

A survey of race relations in South Africa: 1953-1954

Muriel Horrell
Book chapter

A survey of race relations in South Africa: 1954-1955

Muriel Horrell
Book chapter