Archives by publication date
- Passive Resistance 1946 - A Selection of Documents compiled by E.S. Reddy & Fatima Meer - Search for a United Front against racism
- Campaign against Passes in the Transvaal in 1919 by E. S. Reddy, 04 March 2012 | Article
- Satyagraha in South Africa by Fatima Meer
- India and South Africa - A Collection of Papers by E.S. Reddy
- Interview with Swami Gounden by Vino Reddy, 29 May 2002
- Indian passive resistance in South Africa: 1946 - 1948 by E. S. Reddy
- Panel – Statistical Analysis of the 1946 Passive Resistance Campaign
- Members of the Joint Passive Resistance Councils of Natal and Transvaal
- List of All People imprisoned during the 1946 Indian Passive Resistance Campaign
- Men of Dynamite: Pen Portraits of MK Pioneers edited by Rashid Seedat and Razia Saleh | Online book
- Struggle for Liberation in South Africa and International Solidarity - A Selection of Papers Published by the United Nations Centre against Apartheid – Edited by E. S. Reddy
- Apartheid The United Nations and the International Community: A Collection of Speeches and Papers E. S. Reddy
- United Nations and the African National Congress: Partners in the Struggle against Apartheid E. S. Reddy
- Biographical Notes on Indians in South Africa, August 1966
- African and Indian in Durban by Fatima Meer | Article
- “We Shall Resist” - The Role of Indian Women in the Passive Resistance Campaign 1946-1948 by Kalpana Hiralal | Article
- I Remember: Reminiscences of the Struggle for Liberation and the Role of Indian South Africans, 1924 - 1958 by I. C. Meer | Online book
- Thambi Naidoo and his Family - The Story of Thambi Naidoo, a lieutenant of Gandhi in the Satyagraha in South Africa, and of his family which sacrificed for five generations in the struggle for a free South Africa by E.S. Reddy
- Indian Passive resistance 1946-7 | Report
- Passive Resistance 1946 - A Selection of Documents compiled by E.S. Reddy & Fatima Meer - Support from persons and Organisation - 1946
- Search for a United Front against racism
- Minutes of the National Executive Committee of the ANC, February 1-2, 1947
- Group Areas Act and Its Effects on Indian People in Natal, May 1956 by Dr Gangathura Mohambry (Monty) Naicker | Article
- Statement in Court by Dr G. M. Naicker and Dr Y. M. Dadoo, When Charged With Aiding and Abetting Under the Immigrants Regulation Act of 1913, February 26, 1948
- Statement In Court By Dr. Dadoo And Dr. G. M. Naicker, When Charged With Aiding And Abetting Under The Immigrants Regulation Act Of 1913, February 26, 1948
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