Archives by publication date
- Youth Day: "I do not celebrate it or commemorate it" - Antoinette Sithole | Article |
- 40 years after: Understanding the Soweto Uprising by Motsoko Pheko (Pambazuka News), 30 June 2016
- June 16 is our National Youth Day | Poster
- June 16 Forward to Peoples Power | Poster
- Remember June 16 | Poster
- Remember June 16 1976 | Poster
- June 16: The doors of learning and culture shall be opened | Poster
- Ten years of struggle and sacrifice - June 16 | Poster
- South African Youth Day: June 16 | Poster
- June 16 massacre PAC challenges state violence | Poster
- June 16: South Africa's Youth Day | Article
- Umhla ka June 16 usuku lwethu | Poster
- Soweto forty years on: The Black student rebellion of 1976 by Professor Noor Nieftagodien
- Statement by Oliver Tambo on 16 June 1984
- Statement by Oliver Tambo on the tenth anniversary of the Soweto uprising, 16 June 1986
- "The Count-Down has Started": Statement on the Tenth Anniversary of the Soweto Uprising by O. R. Tambo, 16 June 1986
- Remembering French Investments In Apartheid South Africa, 17 December 2013 | Article
- Student walkouts have changed history before. In South Africa, one helped end apartheid by DeNeen L. Brown (The Washington Post), 14 March 2018 | Article
- Genocide Masquerading: The Politics of the Sharpeville Massacre and Soweto Uprising | Theses and Dissertations
- June 16: The courage of the youth ensures our victory | Poster
- June 16 leaflet | Images
- Address by President Nelson Mandela on the anniversary of the SOWETO Uprising on 16 June 1976 16 June 1994 | Speeches and Public Statements
- June 16 - a day to remember | Article
- June 16 year of the spear (a poem) | Poem
- How June 16 demo was planned | Interviews
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