Archives by publication date
- Manifesto of the Pan Afrcanist Congress of Azania | Official Document - Policy documents |
- ”Report on Talks between the PAC and the OAU liberation Committee Sub-committee” by Potlako K. Leballo, Dar es Salaam, November 20,1968 | Article |
- Why the United Front failed: Disruptive role of the PAC by Dr Yusuf Dadoo | Article |
- Black Politics 1989 E | Newspaper clippings
- Black Politics 1992 A | Newspaper clippings
- Ikwezi - Number 13, October 1979 | Journal
- Black Politics 1994 B | Newspaper clippings
- Black Politics 1993 G | Newspaper clippings
- Black Politics 1993 F | Newspaper clippings
- Black Politics 1993 C | Newspaper clippings
- Black Politics 1992 B | Newspaper clippings
- Black Politics 1993 I | Newspaper clippings
- Black Politics 1990 G | Newspaper clippings
- Black Politics 1990 D | Newspaper clippings
- Black Politics 1990 B | Newspaper clippings
- Black Politics 1989 F | Newspaper clippings
- Black Politics 1990 I | Newspaper clippings
- Black Politics 1989 B | Newspaper clippings
- Bechuanaland's Aerial Pipeline, 1960 - 1965 by Garth Benneyworth, 04 December 2017 | Article
- Interview with Oliver Tambo in Luanda after summit meeting of Presidents of frontline states and Southern African Liberation Movements, 01 March 1977
- Statement On Behalf of the South Africa United Front, 1960, New York
- Azania? No, Malundi from Saldru Archive | Newspaper clippings
- Conservative Revolutionaries - Anti-Apartheid Activism at the University of Cape Town 1963-1973 by Robert Erbmann, Oxford University, 2005 | Article
- George Padmore: a critique, Pan Africanism or Marxism?
- Review article - How Can Man Die Better...Sobukwe and Apartheid, by Benjamin Pogrund | Article
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