Archives by publication date
- 40 Years of Shop Floor Resistance in a Rubber Factory by Sithembiso Bhengu | Official Document - Conference Paper
- From Durban Falkirk to Defy: Changing sources of workers’ power in the metal industry by Andries Bezuidenhout and Edward Webster | Official Document - Conference Paper
- “Exodus without a map”: What happened to the Durban moment? by Edward Webster | Official Document - Conference Paper
- Reclaiming Radical Traditions of Workers' Education by Linda Cooper and Sheri Hamilton | Official Document - Conference Paper
- NEDLAC, Union Investment Companies, the Tripartite Alliance and the Shock of the Government's New Economic Policies by Sifiso Gwala | Official Document - Conference Paper
- The trade union movement and the burden of the future by Monique Marks | Official Document - Conference Paper
- An evolution of Worker Education in South Africa since 1973 and its impact on Worker Movement by John Mhandu | Official Document - Conference Paper
- Trade Unions in South Africa by Ari Sitas and Bianca Tame | Official Document - Conference Paper
- The Changing Nature of the African Working Class: Migrant Workers, Identity and Struggles by Sithembiso Bhengu | Official Document - Conference Paper
- The Lessons of the Transition Era, Inequality and the Politics of Universal Health Care: Re-visiting the Proposals of the Macro-Economic Research Group (MERG) and the Reconstruction and Development Programme by Robert Van Niekerk | Official Document - Conference Paper
- The Durban Strikes and the making of the Political Struggles in South Africa by Vuyisile Msila | Official Document - Conference Paper
- Academia and activism: A unique alliance in working class organisation post 1973 by Vannessa Kruger | Official Document - Conference Paper
- Speaking for ourselves: FOSATU Worker News by Victor Gwande and Nicole Ulrich | Official Document - Conference Paper
- A Matter of ‘Principle’: Corporate America and the South African Worker in the Early 1970s by Mattie C. Webb | Official Document - Conference Paper
- Can Shop Stewards Rekindle the post-1973 Union Traditions? Setting A New Agenda for Union Revitalisation! by Mojalefa M Musi | Official Document - Conference Paper
- The Durban Strikes of 1973 and the End of a Cycle of Struggle by Mondli Hlatshwayo | Official Document - Conference Paper
- Writing the 1973 Durban Strikes: From ‘black worker unrest’ to the ‘birth of independent trade unions’ by Debby Bonnin | Official Document - Conference Paper
- Half a century later: Durban Strikes – 1973 by Gerhard Maré | Official Document - Conference Paper
- Performance, Violence and the Collapse of a Cultural Movement by Ari Sitas | Official Document - Conference Paper
- Gigs, hustles and hope: work for young South Africans beyond the wage by Adam Cooper and Bernard Dubbeld | Official Document - Conference Paper
- The Road to Durban: Workers’ struggles, student movements, and the resurgence of resistance politics in Namibia and South Africa by Heike Becker | Official Document - Conference Paper
- “Human beings with Souls”: Reconsidering The Durban Strikes Pamphlet by Alex Lichtenstein | Official Document - Conference Paper
- “Dockers and solidarity activism: from the Durban Strikes to choke points in today’s global economy” by Peter Cole | Official Document - Conference Paper
- The Fruits of the 1973 Durban Strikes: A Powerful Black Trade Union Movement. Are they still on track or are they off the rails? by Johann Maree | Official Document - Conference Paper
- Excavations: Shirts, Placards, Posters and the Remnants of Spectacular Protest in the LRS’s Collections by Lebogang Mokwena | Official Document - Conference Paper
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