From: South Africa's Radical Tradition, a documentary history, Volume One 1907 - 1950, by Allison Drew

The African National Convention must receive the whole hearted welcome of all people both Native and European. Herein lies the beginnings of National Liberation. It is the answer to the further encroachment upon the oppressed African people, expressed in the anti-native laws passed during the recent session. It must mark the beginning of a permanent movement for liberation from all oppressive laws and administrative acts and from perpetual violence practiced against the Native.

There Must Be No pision!

Compounds, pass laws and acts of Parliament limiting Native movements, the imposition of poverty and illiteracy slums in the filthiest of surroundings, eating at delicate children's lungs, driving Natives to early graves -ALL MUST GO. The African Convention at Bloemfontein can give the answer. There must be no pisions.

Chiefs or headmen, Native representatives or others who receive remuneration from the Government must refuse to become politically isolated from Native interests. They will become richer, intellectually and materially, by serving the people from whom, they sprang. They cannot be free while the mass of the Natives are oppressed. To free the Native means to let loose wider opportunities for all. Intellectual and professional people can advance only with expanding liberaties.



These can be got by organising. To unite the Native people in a struggle for economic uplift and political rights must be the aim of the convention. Don’t underestimate Native desires and aspirations. The government of imperialists act as if they were non-existent. Let the Convention be otherwise.

Natives Must Have the Right to Organise

Demand the right to form Native Trade Unions of Native Workers in all industry, and unity with the white workers where possible. Form peasant organisations in the rural areas. Create your own political councils in the Reserves, locations and compounds. From these send militant and loyal Natives to the Native Representative Councils etc.

limited as they are. Make the limited hybrid councils a political issue in every place where Natives congregate.

United Action Will Strengthen The Cause of The People

Expose those who are responsible. To elect representatives to them by no means implies acceptance. They are there. Use their limited possibilities. They give you the right to recommend. See all your recommendations are aimed to liberate the Native people. Political activity around the issues of the work and bread, land and freedom will embarrass the imperialists, and advance the Natives interests. This activity will educate, strengthen and develop the people and enable them to drive on the National liberation movement. Connect your movement with the Workers and Peoples United Front to fight against War and Fascism.