From: South Africa's Radical Tradition, a documentary history, Volume One 1907 - 1950, by Allison Drew

Document 65 - Minutes of the meeting of the Workers' Party of South Africa. Johannesburg Branch held at 90 President Street, Johannesburg, Friday, 24 July 1936 at 8 p.m.

Present: Kahn, Sapire, Phashe, Pompey, Dladla, Moloenyane, Lee (Secretary)

Com Dladla was elected chairman.

Com Dladla proposed seconded by Com Phashe that Com Philip Moloenyane, 69 Good Street, Sophiatown be accepted as a member of the W.P.S.A. This was unanimously agreed.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.

A letter from Com Goodlatte dated 14/7/36 together with the minutes of the W.P.S.A. C.T. Branch dated 13/7/36 were read. A letter from Com Goodlatte dated 18/7/36 with enclosed cutting was read; and further a letter from Arne Swabeck to Com Kahn with reference to the New Militant and New International.

Com Kahn reported on the Spartacus Club in the absence of the Secretary, Com Freislich. The next lecture would be by Com Freislich followed by a lecture by P. Masekela on "The Other Side of the Picture."

Com Pompey reported that a meeting would be held at Newclare next Sunday to discuss the formation of trade unions. Himself and Com Dladla after attending this meeting in the morning would attend the Spartacus Club meeting at Orlando in the afternoon. Com Kahn reported that a meeting of the African Laundry Workers Union would be held next Sunday morning. Coms Phashe and Moloenyane were instructed to attend this meeting. Com Pompey was instructed to interview Mngade.

Com Kahn reported that the Stalinists had now come out openly in favour of a colour bar in the Commercial Employees Union and were trying to use the colour issue to force her out of the Committee. It was decided to continue agitating for a non colour bar union even at the expense of being excluded from the committee. Com Phashe was instructed to interview certain native commercial employees. It was decided to make the attempt to issue the first number of our bulletin on September 1st 1936. All articles should be submitted by Friday next.

Com Dladla rcported that a small group discussed in the Spartacus Club the agitation for equal franchise rights for Africans. Those present formed a committee to meet on Saturday week. Under general Com Phashe proposed lecturing at a future date on unity. Enquiries concerning absentees from the present meeting showed that Coms Freislich, Makhudu, Nxahe and Maseko" were unable to attend through having to work at night.

It was decided to allot a small amount from the party funds each week to pay subscriptions on certain papers for the reading table in the club. The meeting concluded at 9.45 p.m.

