From: South Africa's Radical Tradition, a documentary history, Volume One 1907 - 1950, by Allison Drew

Document 45 - Letter from the International Secretariat of the International Left Opposition to Cape Town comrades, 23 October 1932

Berlin 23/10/32

Cape Town, South-Africa-

Dear comrades,

We received your letter from 22/9. Have you already established the connexion with the Communist League of Africa? If not it is desirable to do it immediately. Do you dispose of our literature, pamphlets, documents, periodicals, etc? Which language do the comrades speak? It is necessary to know in which language we shall send you literature and correspond with you.

Please write for which reasons the comrades were expelled out from the Party.

As to the conditions of membership into the Left Opposition, we must say, that, exact prescriptions and conditions are not worked out. But, on the other hand, the Left Opposition is based on the four first congresses of the Komintern (3d Communist International). It is necessary to take our position on the questions of the anglo-russian comittee, and of the chinese revolution; to the same manner, on this following questions: fraction or Party, and: characteristic of the Russian State. Therefore, the Left Opposition rejects in an unmistakable manner the idea of a fourth International and a new Communist Party.The Left Opposition is a fraction of the third lnternational only.

As concerns these questions the American League has published sufficient material which must be communicated to the members.

Some editions of the Permanente Revolution will be send regularly in the future.

                                                                                                          With best communist greetings,
