Contents: Revolution is Now. Cartoon, David Marais. On the Boycott, Julius Nyerere. Durban Explodes, Myrna Blumberg. The African in Industry, Brian Bunting. The African on the Farm, Ben Turok M.P.C. The new Serfdom, James Fairburn. Universities in Ethnasia, Prof. Maurice Pope. The Potato Harvest, Tony O’Dowd. The Reply of Makerere, Bernard de Bunsen. The Treason Trial, E.V. Stone with illustration by David Marais. The Question of your Removal, Jenny Joseph. Salisbury Diary, Denis Grundy. Report on Central Africa, John Stonehouse, M.P. French West Africa, Basil Davidson. Profile of a President-Tubman of Liberia, David Williams. The Belgian Congo(I): Revolt of the Elite, Colin Legum. Sport leads the Way, Anthony Steel. The One Criterion, Nicholas Stacey. Towards an African Literature(X): Land; Labour; Literature, Dr. A.C. Jordan. Jurie Taaiman’s Revolution, John Tann. Book Review, Stanley Uys.